mobil +39 349 0928157


Languages courses with a difference and a real practical application. Set in the beautiful southern corner of Tuscany between Montepulciano, Cortona and Chiusi, your classroom will be the small local wineries.

This course is recommended for those with at least a basic knowledge of Italian and a thirst to learn!

Southern Tuscany produces some of the best and least well-known Italian wines. During our visits to their vineyards and cantinas, you will learn how they are made directly from growers whose passion and skill is reflected in the wines you will sample. (Explanations in German or English will also be available)

Courses, either a morning or an afternoon, can be tailored for individuals or small groups. Longer courses, of a couple of days to a whole week are also at a time that suits you.

There is also the possibility of accommodation* – B&B, single room, or whole apartment.

Both in the wineries and in the accommodation, there will also be a focus on talking about food and cooking featuring family recipes.


Each tour is priced separately.

  • Individual (about 4 hours): € 60.00
  • Groups of 2-4: € 100.00 in total
    For larger groups, please email.

Board and lodging must be arranged directly with the hosts.

Tickets for museums and exhibitions are not included

I am at your disposal for any questions.

You can call or write: I will answer your e-mails within 24 hours.

Mobile: +39 349 09 28 157