mobil +39 349 0928157



Lessons, offered to both small groups and individuals, are prepared specifically for you. 

I offer total immersion in the Italian way of life and language.
With a focus on communication skills, learning is not restricted to the lesson but is combined with and supplemented by meetings with native speakers, a variety of lectures, workshops and field trips from which you can choose from. For those with a little or good knowledge of Italian, level of proficiency will be assessed and the lessons prepared to meet your requirements and interests. Lessons, offered to both small groups and individuals, are prepared specifically for you. You can even choose how many lessons you wish to take and for how long.


It is difficult to sum up my work method in a few lines.
First of all, when teaching a foreign language I try to create the best conditions for the student to speak it.
Certainly the framework provided by grammar and basic vocabulary are important but never sufficient.
During the lesson a positive relationship with the student is crucial. Knowledge of grammar and syntax is functional to the communication process.
A large portion of my work utilizes the Common European Framework of Reference for languages.


I offer Italian Skype lessons for students wishing to learn or improve their Italian. If you don’t have time enough to come to Tuscany for an Italian language course, or you would like to come for a visit when you are sure you can understand what people here say, you can take Skype lessons from your home or office, or anywhere else you might have an internet connection. There are different types of Skype lessons and courses to suit  individual student’s needs. You can choose a basic Italian course for the complete beginner or advanced lessons, or even conversation lessons aimed at improving speaking skills and increasing confidence when speaking.


  • Single 45 minute lesson:  25 euro
  • 2 hour  lessonwith a 15 minute coffee break: 50 euro